Monday, September 9, 2019

Research paper on target population-18 yr. olds aging out of Foster Essay

Research paper on target population-18 yr. olds aging out of Foster Care System - Essay Example f individuals risk factors The factors that account for the varied outcomes of aged out individuals are influenced by quality care of foster care facility. Aged out individuals of foster care systems might become innocent victims of physical and emotional changes. Inadequate foster care ends up being more expensive to society because it generates incapable, inefficient suppressed future youth. Application of proactive measures and preventive tools should be taken by the organisations to control their exit out of foster care system. Positive events and quality care experienced by individuals in youth would definitely help them to achieve much more in their life. The strategies should be aimed to improve behavioral outcomes, enhance life satisfaction, and greater level of competence in activities of daily living. Foster care givers are committed to helping the children and young people who are physically, mentally, and/or socially abandoned. Government is responsible to take care of these youths. Local, state and Federal funding operates foster care services (Winder, 2007). When the individual turn 18 years, he/she is out of dependent foster care living system and has to start independent living. Moving into adulthood is important transformation in the span of human life. The individuals at this stage might not be physically and intellectually mature to take right decisions required to drive their future in a proper direction. Aged out individuals of foster care systems might become innocent victims of physical and emotional changes. Many times unfairly treated youth in foster care are saddened and get deeply hurt by surrounding forces. Plight of former foster care young people is of great concern. They might not be that strong to be own their own and stop relying on charity or handouts, whe n they are no longer part of foster care. The factors that account for the varied outcomes of aged out individuals are influenced by quality care of foster care facility.

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